Working with specific parameters within web requests to Databounce
Top 15 Million Technology Observations
Top 15 Million Server Technology Observations.
Using email signup pages can be gamed for databouncing too
The Plan is and always will be to force response and improvements.
Mermaid Diagram Journey of Databouncing with HTTP Web Headers via trusted web servers and ultimately handed over to the exfil DNS
Data Bouncing With Jakoby
Data Bouncing - PowerShell Version via Jakoby (Unit-259) - this version uses Hex in the hostname and defaults to a public interactsh (so you dont need your own DNS listener)
"cloudflare is going public with an analysis of this as well" - we'd love to see it.
Here's a load of things we're aiming to get done with DataBouncing in the future, feel free to join in
Example One is a glimpse into what is needed to identify DataBouncing Candidates
Recruiter - Send stuff
Interactsh - Listen for stuff
Target List - Stuff to be sent